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Hi. I'm

Abdullah Negm


a fourth year undergraduate student at MIT studying EECS.


From embedded systems to programming and design, I am interested in a wide range of topics in the field of EECS.
I particularly have experience with microcomputers, FPGAs, software construction, and web development.

You can reach me at abdnegm [at] mit [dot] edu.


Here are some of my


Undergraduate Researcher in the Media Lab

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

June 2023 – August 2023

Wrote Python scripts to control the movement of two open source drones and incorporated BCI technology (primarily a user’s focus) to interact with the drones. Decreased loading time of HUMANS project website by ~75% after analyzing and implementing optimizations to the images and widgets visualizing a nanowafer in ReactJS. Designed and programmed multimedia widgets that accommodate the dynamic nature of the NeuraFutures project website in ReactJS.

Undergraduate Researcher in the OH!Lab

Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) - Human-Computer Interaction Institute (HCII)

May 2022 – August 2022

Refactored and updated GameAware, a toolkit that overlays interfaces onto Twitch streams and displays real time information from Unity games. Specifically developed a NodeJS server and Javascript program that handle sending real time data between games and livestreams.

Check out my


Gatsby / Vercel

TypeScript / React


June 2023 – Present

This website! Prototyped/wireframed in Figma, deployed via Vercel, and made with 🤍 using Typescript, React, and Gatsby. Don't forget to check out the blimp!


Digital Systems



SPI / I2C / Bluetooth

October 2023 – December 2023

Built a system that allows users to simultaneously draw on one canvas across two FPGAs (via bluetooth) using capacitive touchscreen LCD displays, buttons, and switches. Analyzed schematics, datasheets, and pinouts to wire up and design a pipelined module-level block diagram for the entire system. Implemented SPI and I2C in SystemVerilog via complex FSMs to smoothly interface with the display, extensively validating timing diagrams by analyzing waveforms with an oscilloscope.


Embedded Systems



April 2023 – May 2023

Designed and created a 4x4 mini chess board for solving puzzles with instant feedback in C. Constructed a multiplexed grid of photoresistors and LEDs (using a PSoC for state and processing) to track the board state, display valid moves for lifted pieces, and give feedback for a user’s moves.

Cool Drawing System :)

Embedded Systems / IoT


C++ / Python

April 2023 – May 2022

As a group final project, built an embedded system that allows users to take and edit pictures directly on an ESP32 microcontroller alongside an accompanying viewing and editing website. Personally wrote firmware in C for taking and editing photos on a camera module and LCD display that allows users to draw freely with a joystick controller and create shapes with voice commands.